Want to innovate with confidence and clarity?

A new way to inspire curiosity, unleash creativity and ensure clarity when implementing solutions.

After 5+ years of research and field-testing Dr. Christian Walsh and Vaughan Broderick offer you a new way to think about human-centred innovation and customer value so that you can make meaningful change in any organisation.

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    The DUCTRI Model has helped me to innovate and solve complex problems. I can't wait for the playbook!

    Matt Scott

    Innovation Lead, AsureQuality


    "This has been life-changing for us" - General Manager, Social Services Sector

    “The DUCTRI model got me thinking outside the square and looking at things from a less bias (sic) approach.” - Executive MBA Student

    "This experience wasn't just about innovation; it was a journey of self-awareness, team dynamics, and breaking away from engineering tendencies." - Project Manager

    the ductri playbook will teach you how to...

    • Identify the critical problem to solve and avoid wasting time, effort and money.
    • Build the key mindsets required for transformative and sustainable innovation.
    • Generate novel ideas that have value for customers, staff , stakeholders and the business.
    • Collaborate to build innovation capability and leverage your teams diverse talents.
    • Conduct rapid experiments to get feedback from the market before investing in development.
    • Understand what unique resources will help your solution get traction and scale.
    • Get buy-in from stakeholders with effective engagement and storytelling strategies.
    • Overcome change inertia using contextual insights and human psychology to implement your innovation.

    ...and much, much more.